Worthpad — The Infinite Wealth Generation Protocol

2 min readAug 14, 2021


Decentralized IDO Launchpad Worthpad Connects Top Crypto Innovators And Projects With Investors.

Decentralized accelerator and incubation platform, Worthpad, officially launches to promote innovation and develop groundbreaking solutions by connecting the different stakeholders in the crypto space

Worthpad is an innovative IDO Launchpad Platform that will undoubtedly chart a new course in the industry, helping to connect early-stage innovators and projects with investors to bring amazing crypto products to the world. Worthpad makes investment in early-stage, high risk crypto projects safe, fair, easy, and accessible for retail crypto investors.

The global blockchain technology market has continued to grow over the years, as more businesses across the globe look to leverage the immense features and the benefits of this technology. Several solutions have emerged in the crypto space to meet the growing and diverse needs of different stakeholders. According to a report from Grand View Research, the global blockchain technology market size was valued at $3.67 billion in 2020, with a projection that it will hit $394 billion by 2028. Unfortunately, thousands of crypto projects have failed to see the light of the day, majorly due to a difficulty in accessing funds by the innovators or projects being abandoned by founders after raising funds. Worthpad is looking to make a huge difference with its unique features that solve major problems faced by the stakeholders in the crypto investment ecosystem. Worthpad has built a safe and low risk investment ecosystem with unlimited earning potential for investors through its innovative use of the best DeFi technologies available. Read the whitepaper for an in-depth understanding of the solutions being developed by Worthpad.

As an all-inclusive solution, the ecosystem has the WORTH Token, a digital currency for the platform. The multi-chain Worth IDO Launchpad will create infinite wealth for $WORTH investors, which will ultimately empower high-growth potential crypto projects with the ability to raise liquidity in a fair manner while also developing dedicated communities behind them.

The user-friendliness and the versatility of the platform will chart a new course in the crypto space, offering a win-win situation for all stakeholders, including investors, inventors, and crypto enthusiasts.

For more information about Worthpad and how to be a part of the revolution that will shape the global crypto space, visit the Worthpad Website.

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Worthpad IDO Launchpad

Media Contact Details

Contact name: Pieter Jansen

Email: contact@worthpad.io




Worthpad is a decentralized, multichain IDO platform that connects innovators and $WORTH investors. worthpad.io twitter.com/worthpad t.me/worthpad